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Pintap Research

Pintap Research

Pintap Research

Pintap Research

Pintap Research

Pintap Research

GT market research platform for consumer goods companies

Pintap Research is a GT market research platform designed for FMCG companies looking for insights about the General Trade market in Indonesia.

The platform offers a comprehensive service that includes ordering market research, conducting the research, and providing market research data from our data warehouse.

Design process

When I first joined Pintap Research, the project was still in its early phases, and the design process was not clearly defined. It had not been properly managed or formalized.

One of the specific improvements I proposed and introduced was the implementation of a bi-weekly design process. This allowed us to better accommodate the needs of development sprints and ensure timely delivery of design assets.

The bi-weekly design process was planned ahead of the development sprint, allowing me to design the necessary features for the next dev sprint without any issues. During the ongoing bi-weekly cycle, I also provided quality assurance for the designs completed in the ongoing dev sprint.

User flows from various parts of the application were utilized as brainstorming tools for the features we are currently designing.

User flows from various parts of the application were utilized as brainstorming tools for the features we are currently designing.

I designed several products of Pintap Research during my time here, including Research on Demand, GT Market Database, and also worked on the design and coding of the marketing website.

Research on demand (web app)

Research on Demand (RoD) is web app that enables our clients (FMCG Companies) to order research of their products/brands, manage their project, collaborate with our consultant and researcher, and get comprehensive reports of their research findings.

During the design of the Research on Demand, we discovered and defined several design challenges of our app:

  • How can we streamline the ordering process while also providing guidance to our clients' market research needs

  • How can clients effectively manage and track their research project

  • How can we facilitate easy and convenient collaboration with clients in creating survey questions

  • How can we gather data and conduct research to the targeted audience

  • How can we effectively serve and deliver the comprehensive research report to our clients

Streamlining the research process

We explored a design approach that aims to provide the guided ordering process, assisting clients by presenting them with a set of questions to determine which research methods are suitable for their needs.

Furthermore, we decided to design a survey builder to streamline the survey creation process and facilitate collaboration between clients and our consultant.

GT market database (web app)

GT market database is a web app designed for our clients, providing access to our extensive collection of GT market data.

The main idea behind this app can be divided into three major challenges:

  • Providing our clients with quarterly GT market reports

  • Giving our clients access to our quarterly data

  • And give them insights in the form of articles and news aggregator curated by our researcher.

One-stop portal

We explored various options to design a one-stop portal to GT market data and insights for our clients. Where every data, reports and news can be easily accessed by all of our platform's clients.

We explored various options to design a one-stop portal to GT market data and insights for our clients. Where every data, reports and news can be easily accessed by all of our platform's clients.

Supergraphic, visual language & design system

The visual language of our digital platform plays a crucial role in establishing its unique characteristics and evoking emotions that aim to engage our clients in a positive and memorable manner.

In this project, I sought collaboration with the design manager and brand designers to define and design the supergraphic and visual language for the digital platform. I had a clear vision of how the products could complement both the brand and overall user experience.

Furthermore, I took the initiative to establish the design system of the product, actively creating and updating the component library and UI guidelines, collaborated closely with front-end developers for the implementation of the components, and seamlessly incorporated the system into the product's workflow.

Lesson learned

Pintap Research has been a great learning experience for me as a designer, allowing me to delve into the intricacies of the GT Market, FMCG industry, and market research. I discovered how data can be both complex and fascinating, offering valuable insights.

From a product design perspective, I firmly believe that this platform holds good potential. With increased emphasis on user research, it could evolve into a powerful research platform.

Reach out and say hi, let's talk about your product design needs