Product Redesign

Design System

Products & DELiverables

Web App

Design System



Pintap Concierge

Pintap Concierge

Pintap Concierge

Pintap Concierge

Data "concierge" for consumer goods companies


Product Redesign

Design System

Products & DELiverables

Web App

Design System



Pintap Concierge

Data "concierge" for consumer goods companies


Product Redesign

Design System

Products & DELiverables

Web App

Design System



Pintap Concierge

Data "concierge" for consumer goods companies

Pintap Concierge is a data and consultation platform owned by Pintap. it enables companies to visualize their data through interactive dashboards while also providing professional data consultation services.

I was tasked with redesigning Pintap Concierge while working on Pintap Research. The request came shortly after the initial product release.

During the initial phase of the product release, several issues emerged, and the product team identified that some of these issues were related to user experience. One of these issues, primarily, prevented the users to utilize this platform to its potential.

Discovering problems

To gain deeper insights into this platform's issues, I began by conducting a design audit, heuristic evaluation and delving deeper into various sources to gain insights about our users.

During this initial phase, I identified some issues concerning the user interface and user experience. Notably, i discovered some overcomplicated flows in the platform, with some of them hindering users from further engaging with the app. Furthermore, I also discovered some inconsistencies in user interface and visual elements.

Defining goals and priorities

From the previous activities, we obtained a lot of valuable insights and feedback from various sources. We then proceeded with synthesize the data.

During this phase, several key and crucial problems emerged in multiple areas of the app that need to be addressed:

  • Simplify user journey in the Request Dashboard flow

  • Enhance and improve the integration of Tableau Dashboard within the app

  • Improve the consistency of the UI and establish style guidelines and a components library as part of the design system

In order to simplify the journey of the Request Dashboard flow, I took the initiative to design several user flows.

Exploring and delivering

During the last step of this project, I explored and delivered Hi-fi mockups and prototypes for several flows. Additionally, I established the style guides and components library to ensure the consistency of the UI and lay the foundation of the design system

Lesson learned

Pintap Concierge redesign project taught me several important and noteworthy lessons as a product designer.

One key lesson is the significance of understanding our users. It is crucial to begin the design process with an effort to learn about our users. While there may be instances where we can't follow the ideal design process, having at least a minimum understanding of our users is always essential.

Another lesson learned is the minimum foundation of a design system of a product needs to be established early in the project/process, by doing so, we can ensure the consistency of the UI and provide guidelines for effective collaboration between designers and designer-developers.

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